Sunday 25 April 2010

Youths Of Today, Tomorrow & Future...

Youths of Today...
I feel sorry for you...
Time seems to go faster than ever...
You laugh at the older generation...
Call them all sorts of names...
It may seem funny to you...
Seeing them struggle to get from here to there...
They were young once...
A very long time ago...
The difference is...
Time was slower, had time to enjoy...
With, what little we had...
Had no luxuries or expensive toys..
No room to complain for the lack of it...
Were grateful with the basics...
Made make belief toys from cereal boxes...
Never bored, had time to enjoy...
Appreciated everything in sight...
Those were the Good, old days...
Where parents and elders were respected...
Modern technology was brought in...
It was meant to make life easier...
But now it's destroying everything in it's path...
Greed and Power is all that seem to matter nowadays...
I feel sorry for the youths of Today, Tomorrow and Future.

Underpants Outta...ere...

Underpants, underpants, underpants...
It's called underpants...
To be kept Under...
Not on top, over or on display...
Youths of these days...tut tut...
Are they for real...
If it was meant to be worn on top...
Wear it over your pants/trousers...
Superman comes to mind...
Blame the Celebs & public figures...
For promoting them for a price...
Showing the rim or the top of it...
Can be rather cute...
But please...
Don't exhibit all to see...
Take a good look at how you walk...
Awkward to watch...
As you struggle to keep it above ur knee...
Fear you may land on your Face or your Ar--.
They call it 'fashion'...
It should be called...'trash em'...


Saturday 24 April 2010

Treat Everyone The Way You Wanted To Be Treated.

It will be the GREATEST GIFT of all to see everyone happy but not always possible, as we don't live in a PERFECT will be possible one day, i'm sure.
"I see the WORLD as my GARDEN".
Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Flowers, Birds & Bees, EVEN Weeds make a Garden look beautiful in it's own way...If any of them were to wilt or die, the Garden will look Ugly. I see people of the world as that only, abolish suffering forever.
The balance is wrong too, some have too much and whilst others have none. There are few fortunate ones that have it just right..(Good luck to them).
Everyone should go back to Nature and enjoy the calmness, beauty, how it all blends together in Harmony.
I have always said..."I would NEVER go CAMPING.
My children FORCED me to go last year and i loved it so much. It wasn't easy but you soon learn to COPE with what you have.
Going back to BASICS, makes you REALISE alot about SURVIVAL on MINIMAL and YOURSELF too. How much we take things for GRANTED. It also gives you a chance to REFLECT about yourself, time to think and really enjoy nature.
When do we ever stop and really absorb the beauty around us, all stuck in this "RAT RACE".
CAMPING should be a MUST for all to realise how lucky we are. When you return home you wiil surely appreciate even the basics, you take so much for granted.
People complain just about everything, never grateful for what we have. It's never enough, wanting more....pure greed sets in. It's vicious cycle to UNHAPPINESS. Give too much importance to materialistic things.
We are like Machines or Robots, keep on running, have no feelings either and never stopping to help another.
I must not FORGET the few that do find TIME to INFLICT pain to others. By tarnishing their name in everyway possible, disgracing their character by displaying pictures on Network sites which is very inappropriate. They seem to have or find TIME to HARM another but NOT to IMPROVE someone's life.
When will it end???
How Do You Sleep With The Guilty Conscience, that you've harmed someone deliberately?
What Have You Gained?
Is Your Life That Boring/Dull, That You've To Resort To This Kind Of Behaviour?
Ask yourself.."Would you like it done to you?" If not then don't do it.
NETWORKING should be about UNITY not DIVISION. It brings people together otherwise impossible. Men and Women are able to Meet & Greet without any restriction which are not permitted in certain countries. We should appreciate this opportunity to be in contact with another within seconds.
We are able to touch a person's Mind, Heart, Life & Soul. Even enter their home without having to leave the comfort of your computer. When life has become so much easier...
Why Do Some Want To Complicate Another's Life?
RELIGION AND POLITICS ARE ALSO USED TO DIVIDE...Everyone's entitled to live their lives as they wish with their beliefs but PLEASE let others around have the same FREEDOM.
Think before you Act, your Actions can MAKE or BREAK another.
"Treat Everyone, The Way You Want To Be Treated", Simple!!! (NOT ROCKET SCIENCE).
Religion,politics, caste, race, class, colour, creed, disabilities should not be used as division amongst us.
We should all live in HARMONY.

'My Life...Your Gift'..

Scattered my Thoughts...
Faced my Fear...
Dedicated my Dreams...
Buried my Pain...
Donated my Heart...
Drowned my Ego...
Shared my Happiness...
Cast aside my Sadness...
Embacing my Love...
Divorced my Anger...
Caressing my Positivity...
Burning my Negativity...
Cherish my Life...
Release my soul one day, for it to return...
To care & love unconditionally.

"Don't Regret...Our Friendship"...

Life can be simple...
But at times it seems impossible...
Circumstances or situations...
May cause you to make wrong decisions..
Even complicate our thoughts...
But never, ever regret...
Cherish those sweet moments shared...
Don't be bitter, that it has ended...
Be grateful for the experience...
To be loved for few moments...
Is better than, none at all...
Always remember...
A Reason & A Season...
Nothing lasts forever...
LIFE is too SHORT, LIVE to the MAX.


I didn't realise, it had a price tag...
I thought it was free...
Never to be questioned...
Why? When? Where? How?...
True friendship need no
It's an unspoken
promise to understand... To be there for them...
Through Good times &
bad ones too...
To Care & Share...
Not just hear but really
Lend your shoulder for
Reach out to guide
Support in time of
Not to be judged or criticised...
Be compared to anything
or anyone...
Don't show anger because you can't have
Most of all be patient...

Because Of You..

I had a dream...
Very long time ago...
Never expected it ever come trure...
Slowly but Surely...
That dream is unfolding...
Am i Asleep or still Awake?
Want to sleep because You're not here...
Love to stay awake to see your loving face...
You're the future of my life...
Come and live in my eyes...
My heart is filled with your love...
All my shattered dreams...
Are scattered now...
A distant memory only...
I had hope for the future...
You wanted more for me...
You made me Believe in myself...
That hope & dream are a reality now...
All because of YOU!!!

'Youth Is Wasted On The Young!'

Looks may fade with Time...
Good heart will remain Fine...
Don't be Shallow...
No one will Follow...
If you want Gratitude...
Change your Attitude.

Amazing Escape...

My Life has passed me by like a Dream..
At times, it's been a Nightmare too...
Awoken many a times...
Knowing it wasn't Dream at all...
But a very painful Reality...
I knew, in will pass...
As'll be fine once more...
Should not sleep so much...
Or was i staying awake for too long...
Sleeplessness can cause our minds...
To play games with us...
Fun at times...
Living a life of Impossibilities...
Making it a Reality...
Life's not bad at all...
When you have mastered an escapism...
No harm done, as long as...
You get back in time to carry on as normal...
At times, i've been caught out...
How do you explain...your other life...
Thank God for this Gift...

Why Are You Following Me?

Why Are You Following Me?
I Gave You The Best Part Of My Life...
I Have Nothing More To Give...
Let Me Have The Time I've Left...

You Should Watch The Video...
A Reason & A Season...
Not Sure The Reason For Our Friendship...
But The Season Has Gone For Sure...

No Regrets & No Bitterness...
No More Hatred & No More Tears...
I Divorced My Anger, Then...
I'm Married To Happiness, Now...

I Used To Write Few Lines...
And You Brushed It Aside...
It Was Not Good Enough...
Maybe I Wasn't Inspired...

Possession Is A Very Dangerous Notion...
Suffocation Comes To Mind...
Just In case You Would Think Otherwise...
Feared To Speak Or Being Unkind...

I Was Not Myself With You...
Had To Say The Right Things...
Friendship Is About Being Yourself...
Not Be Judged Or Criticised...

I've Learnt To Detach...
Severed All The Links Between Us...
But You Are Still Trying To Attach...
What Option Have I Left?

Does It Exist???

True Love!!!

Does it exist?
Kept searching...
Wanting and Needing...
Without a shred of doubt...
To really belong...
No more betrayal...
No more fear...
No more pain...
No more Tears...
Not asking for gifts or luxuries...
Nor lavish life style...
Wanted to be really sure...
To be truly loved...
Searching within...
Am i asking too much?
It was there all along...
Have faith...No more tears now.

Why Do You Do It?

Make me feel unworthy?
Is it the way i look?
The way i talk?
Or the way I walk?

Why do you make me feel this way?

Do you hate me that much?
Not your type?
Don't live upto your hype?

Why do you make me feel this way?

Is it because i don't dress right?
I don't simply laugh at everything?
Be a puppet on a string?

Why do you make me feel this way?

I can't change the way i look...
The way i talk...
Or the way i walk...

Why do you make me feel this way?

I have feelings too...
I may not have the flair...
Please treat me fair.
Don't treat me this way!!!

What Am I?

How long..i've been yearning for You..

Waiting, Needing, Searching..
Asking for You...
Sleepless nights, tossing and turning..
Really restless, wanting to be with you..

You've visited some of my friends..
And relatives too..
Heard you were in the neighbourhood recently..
Why not me? How long is this wait?

What have i done, that's so bad?
I almost met you twice..
But you were in a hurry..
Promised me, it shall not be long..

Do you remember the 1st time you visited me?
I was just 16yrs..
Then again, when i was 26yrs.
You said, i was too young both times..

You will return when i'm much older..
"Then you'll not regret", you said..
Why would i regret?
I know i'll be safe with you.

No more worries or problems..
No more pain or shed anymore tears..
I know you'll take care of it all..
I'm tired of this waiting..

Want to sleep forever..
You also promised...
"It won't be a sad ending..
But a beautiful beginning"..

"I know you won't let me down..I trust you completely with my life".

The Answer?!