Monday 9 May 2011

We're the Lucky Ones...

Our generation has reaped the benefits of our fathers and forefathers.
They worked hard for what we have today.
No machinery or modern technology to ease the burden.
Slaved away on low pay, at times no pay or gratitude.

Learned skills in their spare time against all odds.
They never gave up, no matter how tough it got.
Some never even benefited from their hard work.
Or enjoyed the rewards of their sacrifices.

If they were to return and see the conditions.
Nature replaced by Concrete jungles.
They wasted less, as most lived with needs than wants.
Very happy with just the basics, never complaining.

Ask them, what the following words are...
Global warming, Green house effect & Carbon footprints, etc.
Or what YouTube or Google are?
They wouldn't have a clue.
They will probably think of paste out of a tube, fluorescent tube.

Even though i miss my dear beloved father.
I've come to the realisation, it was his time to go.
I used to worry about him, being in pain or all alone.
Whilst we are at work, unable to be there for him.
Especially the last 3 months of his life, bedridden & helpless.

The Japanese earth quake and other natural disaster are an eye opener.
Life and everything gone in seconds.
We complain just about everything.
Depressed or heart broken.
When they can't access network or a loved one has left them.

Life goes on, no matter what happens.
Be grateful for what we have.
Nowadays, many want to make quick buck.
By sacrificing everything for their greed.

Give back, it's not all about take, take, take.
World owes us nothing..
Play your part, the best you can.
Don't become the weakest Link.

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