Saturday 30 July 2011

Truly Live, don't Simply Exist.

You can never be too careful in choosing friends, in our personal life or networking. Someone mentioned about being cautious of people with too many people on their friends list and to be vary of them being less worthy.

Whether their friends list is long or short is not necessarily a sign or an indication of one's trustworthiness, faithfulness or their genuineness.

We should be prepared for everything in life, whether it's acceptance or rejection. Treat all as lessons of life. We could live a sheltered life, build 'Walls' around us to keep ourselves from getting 'Hurt' thus never experiencing much.

Pleasure and Pain are part of life, it seasons us to be better people but many choose to rebel or become a recluse instead.
I've been betrayed by many, surprising i still have faith in human beings. Made so many errors, misled by closest more than strangers. Each pain inflicted, has taught me much but instead of regretting or feeling resentful. I've accepted all as a great lesson.
I choose to live a wholesome life than simply existing, feeling all the emotions that makes it so real and make me feel very much alive. I don't just want to drift through life...lifeless, that happens in death...which is inevitable and have no fear.
As i mentioned previously in my other Notes. There are many that take networking, Fb & other sites as a joke. It's real people at the end of the line, just because you don't see, hear or feel their pain or happiness, it doesn't make them less human.

'They are not robots for the abuser to mistreat them regardless. So think before you act'.

'How would you feel, being on the receiving end of your attitude?'.
Being bullied or act of perverse & other negative attributes are definitely wrong.
'Time Invested are Never Wasted, use it Wisely'.
Look at the positive side to everything. You may feel that having a great time is worth it but bad times or experience are not. Lessons learnt from every experiences, if you accept it will be positive note indeed. You will be able to see your life in a better light not be buried in darkness as many choose to do, in negative situations.
Nothing is lost, as we never brought anything with us & won't be taking it with us. So share with others willingly never grudgingly.
Peace, Happiness & Good Health are priceless. Settle for Needs than Wants.
'Needs are Limited & Wants are Unlimited'.
Many Sacrifice Accumulate Wealth...hmmm. Once lost, no amount of wealth can obtain your health.

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