Friday 13 August 2010

He drives me CRAZY!!!

I thought I'd become much calmer...
Feel so much better than ever before..
With him, i become irrational...
And other times, quite emotional.

He takes me to another level...
As i lean back into him...
His arms envelopes me...
Makes me feel safe, once again.

Pushing the right buttons...
Turns on the music...
Choices can be confusing...
But actually it's very amusing.

We fight sometimes...
He allows me to win, with a smile..
Even when I'm wrong...
As he play our song.

I know I can trust him...
I've cried and laughed many times...
He's reliable, very capable...
He's never judgemental and so adorable.

Some of my friends claim...
I shouldn't be with him...
Why would I want something better?
When I have the best...

We've been together for 4years now.
Time has flown by so
I still remember the day we met.
As all rushed around and all was set.

His fragrance so refreshing...
The cologne still smells brand new...
So soothing and really cooling...
He loves the morning dew.

Looking rather cute...
He never said a word...
I thought he was a mute...
When he did, it was sharper than any sword.

We used to go for long drive...
Countryside, towns and seaside too...
Lost our way on unfamiliar routes...
It was daring and challenging too.

He will never betray me, as i was his 1st...
He did breakdown once...
Broke my heart, seeing him that way.
He has been great ever since.

It was never ideal for us to live together...
He had his place and i had mine...
We agreed to be together whenever we could...
This arrangement is fine by us.

I will have to let him go one day...
Don't want to think about it now...
Not expecting him to be my lover...
I know it can't last forever.

But I'll be happy for the moment...
Please don't utter unwanted comment...
We've not promised each other eternity...
I'm very content for now with our unity.

When we're together...
We become entwined, as one...
Mind and Our very existence...
Having a ride of a life time.

I love him with a passion...
No other has ever made me feel, so in control...
We fit into each others life so naturally...
At times It's better than any rollercoaster ride.

It's none other than my car...

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to post this as a separate thread...but then this is for you weaver bird , weaving your thoughts into such fantastic poetry...
    I hope i have been able to do some justice to this wonderful bond that you n ur car share !!!

    Ah this is soo beautiful! I have to read the other gems too :D

    May you never find yourself short of thoughts and words..
    May you never find yourself wanting for love !!! Che
